A Passion turned Pro

MarisSage Remedial therapies is a professional clinic on the Central Coast located in Gosford and Phegans Bay.
We are passionate about making a difference for people and inspire a healthy well-balanced life, so you can do the things you LOVE and create a memorable joyful life.
We believe touch is an essential part of life. In our experience, the power of touch can transform how we feel, perform, act and achieve. Our hope is to inspire and educate you on how massage and reflexology therapy can contribute to the positive effects of preventative and active health care of your physical conditions, mental state and emotional inner life.
We want to see you live your life to the fullest without limitations of the mind, body and spirit, and gladly offer you our healing hands to help you live a healthy and well-balanced life.
- We inspire by leading by example and practice what we preach
- We share our wisdom freely for those who wish to hear it.
- We walk beside you, encouraging you and cheering you on.
- We ensure the best possible treatment every time you come in.
- Once we get you to feel, move better and a happy state of mind, we continue to support and inspire you to maintain a healthy well-balanced life in a natural, drug-free way
Meet the team or book your appointment to improve your health and/or wellbeing today.